Zeny Bugos here and I’m so excited that
you got your hands on this Freebie.
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the people that come into Network Marketing or start a business and immediately are successful, and then there’s those that take a bit longer to gain that momentum?
Typically it’s Influence and Credibility. We’re in the People Business and when you hold influence and credibility with your people, they tend to listen more and take action faster.
So How We Increase Our Influence And Credibility?
Well.... that’s what this Guide is all about!
Daily Activity #1 READ A GOOD BOOK
Whenever you can increase your knowledge, people look up to
that. The more you know, the more valuable you become and
value equals Influence.
You have to get out there and share your value. This can be as
easy as reading a good book for 10 minutes a day and then doing Facebook or Blog post on what you learned so people can
see you as that person of value.
So many people are focused on themselves these days that
when you adopt this activity into your life, people will step back
and see how amazing you are. This is the Law of Reciprocity!
Whenever I’m talking to someone, I’ll ask them ‘Is there anything I can help you with?’
If you can make people feel good, you will skyrocket your results.
Now I have to caution you on this activity... it has to be genuine.
Text or message 5 people a day to let them know they’re
awesome. This keeps you at the top of their minds in a very
good way!
This falls in line with making people feel special and amazing.
When you can be that person that remembers special occasions
like birthday’s and anniversaries, people will look up to you in a
big way.
I hired a coach back in 2014 for the very first time in my business
and it actually made people look up to me more because they
saw that I was serious in that area of my life. That coach also had
a lot of Influence and they shared my success story, which added
to my credibility.
You have to hire a coach, but I do recommend having a mentor
that you can learn from and model. This will not only increase
your results, but it will increase your Influence and Credibility.
How you feel about YOURSELF can totally dictate how others
view you.
I did a blog post about this a few episodes ago that shows you
how to increase your confidence. You can check it out here if this
is an area that you need to work on:
How To Get More Prospect That Will Take You Seriously
How To Get More Prospect That Will Take You Seriously
Here’s something interesting to think about.
Have you noticed that Experts get paid and respected more? So
how do you become an Expert?
You invest in YOU. Books, Courses, and Seminars!!
I never stop investing in me and each year, I’ve more than double
my income
Yes, I know this is a weird one to throw in the mix when we’re
talking about business, but people are looking at your personal
life and valuing that.
When I look at a person that’s dedicated to looking and feeling
good, I’m impressed and I do view that person differently.
So take 15 mins a day to go for a walk or ride your bike!
If you say you’re going to do something, DO IT.
And that means, when you say you’re going to build your
business and create a life you love.... Freakin' DO IT and stop
procrastinating and prolonging your success.
People are watching you.... Give them something GOOD to watch.
There you go guys Hope You get Value From This Blog..
There you go guys Hope You get Value From This Blog..
And if you’re in sales and/or network marketing and you haven’t yet seen my FREE Training video where I share my Marketing Boot Camp , which is the formula for getting anyone to say YES to your product, service, or opportunity immediately and without objections,
"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads
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