Committing the Iron Clad Way!
I see people all the time that say, “I’m going to do this”, or “I’m going to do that”, but then where are they? Is it really that people quit that easily?
The first step is making that iron clad commitment to yourself, that you absolutely will NOT quit!
You have probably heard the term “IQ” right? In my opinion that stands for “I quit”. Do you really want that to be how people see you?
The most important question that you could be asking yourself right now is this:
” What will I allow to sidetrack me so that I do not accomplish my goals?
If you really want something bad enough is that the way you live your life? Do you just give up and call it a day without making that extra effort? So, how do you change this?
It’s simple folks; you start by committing to yourself right now and saying,
“Whatever I start, I will finish!”
Wow, isn’t that freeing for you? It’s especially important that you make it clear, who you really are:
- I’m a closer
- I’m a finisher
- I’m not a starter, I’m a finisher!
You have to make this commitment to yourself, because this is how it all starts. Get clear for your own good about WHY you are doing what you do.
Isn’t your family relying on you?
Aren’t they watching you get involved and make daily decisions about your business?
Wow, make sure that what you teach your kids and what you show your family is that you are indeed making a commitment, and teaching your kids that they should do the same! That’s powerful!
Committing is Doing What You Said You Would Do Even Once the Initial Excitement Has Gone!
No doubt that you understand how serious I really am about what I am teaching in this blog!
It’s a no nonsense approach, but while that is true, let’s dig a little deeper.
Remember when you joined your business and you were excited about getting started?
Once that excitement started to wear down what did you do? Did you just get tired and say, “well there is always tomorrow?” Forget that! It doesn’t work!
Even if you don’t feel like doing something you still doing it because you made that COMMITMENT!
Committing to your business, your family, and anything else you start is the best way to reward yourself down the line.
Do you want more freedom in your day? Do you want to earn more money? Do you want to spend more time traveling? Get clear about what you want, and don’t let anything stop you.
Laser sharp focus is essential to making your dreams come true. How does this happen?
There is no one person that has super powers over you, it’s simply all about committing from day one!
Don’t you think it’s easy to find joiners in every company, every club, and every diet trend? Of course! At the end of the day it’s all about committing!
Be Unstoppable! See You On The Top!
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And if you’re in sales and/or network marketing and you haven’t yet seen my FREE Training video where I share my Marketing Boot Camp , which is the formula for getting anyone to say YES to your product, service, or opportunity immediately and without objections,
"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads
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