Monday, June 20, 2016



Hi there my friend,

Zeny Bugos here and I’m so excited that you got your hands on this Freebie. 

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the people that come into Network Marketing or start a business and immediately are successful, and then there’s those that take a bit longer to gain that momentum?

Typically it’s Influence and Credibility. We’re in the People Business and when you hold influence and credibility with your people, they tend to listen more and take action faster. 

So How We Increase Our Influence And Credibility?

Well.... that’s what this Guide is all about!


Daily Activity #1 READ A GOOD BOOK

Whenever you can increase your knowledge, people look up to that. The more you know, the more valuable you become and value equals Influence.


You have to get out there and share your value. This can be as easy as reading a good book for 10 minutes a day and then doing Facebook or Blog post on what you learned so people can see you as that person of value. 

Daily Activity #3 ASK ‘HOW CAN I HELP WITH THAT?’

So many people are focused on themselves these days that when you adopt this activity into your life, people will step back and see how amazing you are. This is the Law of Reciprocity!

Whenever I’m talking to someone, I’ll ask them ‘Is there anything I can help you with?’


If you can make people feel good, you will skyrocket your results. Now I have to caution you on this activity... it has to be genuine. Text or message 5 people a day to let them know they’re awesome. This keeps you at the top of their minds in a very good way!


This falls in line with making people feel special and amazing. When you can be that person that remembers special occasions like birthday’s and anniversaries, people will look up to you in a big way.

Daily Activity #6 FIND A MENTOR

I hired a coach back in 2014 for the very first time in my business and it actually made people look up to me more because they saw that I was serious in that area of my life. That coach also had a lot of Influence and they shared my success story, which added to my credibility.

You have to hire a coach, but I do recommend having a mentor that you can learn from and model. This will not only increase your results, but it will increase your Influence and Credibility.


How you feel about YOURSELF can totally dictate how others view you. I did a blog post about this a few episodes ago that shows you how to increase your confidence. You can check it out here if this is an area that you need to work on:

How To Get More Prospect That Will Take You Seriously

Daily Activity #8 INVEST IN YOURSELF

Here’s something interesting to think about. Have you noticed that Experts get paid and respected more? So how do you become an Expert? You invest in YOU. Books, Courses, and Seminars!! I never stop investing in me and each year, I’ve more than double my income

Daily Activity #9 EXERCISE

Yes, I know this is a weird one to throw in the mix when we’re talking about business, but people are looking at your personal life and valuing that. When I look at a person that’s dedicated to looking and feeling good, I’m impressed and I do view that person differently. So take 15 mins a day to go for a walk or ride your bike!

Daily Activity #10 KEEP TRUE TO YOUR WORD

If you say you’re going to do something, DO IT. And that means, when you say you’re going to build your business and create a life you love.... Freakin' DO IT and stop procrastinating and prolonging your success. People are watching you.... Give them something GOOD to watch.

There you go guys Hope You get Value From This Blog..

And if you’re in sales and/or network marketing and you haven’t yet seen my FREE Training video where I share my Marketing Boot Camp , which is the formula for getting anyone to say YES to your product, service, or opportunity immediately and without objections,

"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads
and Prospects For Your Business?"

Click Image Below!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Committing! The No B.S Secret to Success!

Committing the Iron Clad Way!

I see people all the time that say, “I’m going to do this”, or “I’m going to do that”, but then where are they? Is it really that people quit that easily?

The first step is making that iron clad commitment to yourself, that you absolutely will NOT quit!

You have probably heard the term “IQ” right? In my opinion that stands for “I quit”. Do you really want that to be how people see you?
The most important question that you could be asking yourself right now is this: 

” What will I allow to sidetrack me so that I do not accomplish my goals?

If you really want something bad enough is that the way you live your life? Do you just give up and call it a day without making that extra effort? So, how do you change this?
It’s simple folks; you start by committing to yourself right now and saying,

“Whatever I start, I will finish!”

Wow, isn’t that freeing for you? It’s especially important that you make it clear, who you really are:
  • I’m a closer
  • I’m a finisher
  • I’m not a starter, I’m a finisher!
You have to make this commitment to yourself, because this is how it all starts. Get clear for your own good about WHY you are doing what you do.
Isn’t your family relying on you?
Aren’t they watching you get involved and make daily decisions about your business?
Wow, make sure that what you teach your kids and what you show your family is that you are indeed making a commitment, and teaching your kids that they should do the same! That’s powerful!

Committing is Doing What You Said You Would Do Even Once the Initial Excitement Has Gone!

No doubt that you understand how serious I really am about what I am teaching in this blog!
It’s a no nonsense approach, but while that is true, let’s dig a little deeper.
Remember when you joined your business and you were excited about getting started?
Once that excitement started to wear down what did you do? Did you just get tired and say, “well there is always tomorrow?” Forget that! It doesn’t work!
Even if you don’t feel like doing something you still doing it because you made that COMMITMENT!
Committing to your business, your family, and anything else you start is the best way to reward yourself down the line.
Do you want more freedom in your day? Do you want to earn more money? Do you want to spend more time traveling? Get clear about what you want, and don’t let anything stop you.
Laser sharp focus is essential to making your dreams come true. How does this happen?
There is no one person that has super powers over you, it’s simply all about committing from day one!
Don’t you think it’s easy to find joiners in every company, every club, and every diet trend? Of course! At the end of the  day it’s all about committing!

Be Unstoppable! See You On The Top!

So what did you think? Did you dig this blog post? If so, click like and drop a comment below letting me know. I love reading your comments and hearing your feedback.
Also if you’re providing good content on social media and you think this post qualifies, do me a favor help me “pay it forward” and let’s work together to change some lives today by sharing this video with others. Click Like & Share this video on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or anywhere else you like.
If you do happen to share this training with others let me know in a comment below. I love knowing who’s digging my trainings the most and sharing them with others

And if you’re in sales and/or network marketing and you haven’t yet seen my FREE Training video where I share my Marketing Boot Camp , which is the formula for getting anyone to say YES to your product, service, or opportunity immediately and without objections,

"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads
and Prospects For Your Business?"

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

How To Eliminate The Fear And Pain Of Rejection

In this Blog I want to help you with properly framing rejection and how to help you eliminate the fear of rejection.

Now, I don't know about you but when I first got started in the direct sales and network marketing industry 10 years ago. I went out there and I was absolutely terrified of getting told "No" I mean thorough prospecting people, approaching strangers, talking people and asking for a sale that's terrified me alright,

It was like that just for a little a while and I have this awareness that rejection is all in the mind and I prove it to you and I share with you something crazy that happen to me just recently.

The other night I was just actually dreaming, and in my dream I eaten something and I burned my lip and right then I woke up and I remember I woke up from my dream holding my lip because it was burning and I felt it was still burning except it was only a dream and it was all in my mind. 

But I woke up still holding my lip and going "Oh my god, Oh my god" after a couple of seconds 

"Wait a seconds Zeny Its just a dream, You don't actually feel pain that is not really happen" 

and just like that I was over it. 

The pain run away so literally rejection is a psychological pain not a physical pain its not getting punch your stomach that you will actually feel it and hey you gonna feel pain if it really hit you hard right? 

But with psychological pain like rejection all that stuff is in your mind and you can literally make decision just say 

"Hey this is not real pain, Why am I worried, Why am I down. I don't need that person anyway". 


So the minute I started to come in that awareness in my life and in my business, I have new perspective in life 

"Hey no one can hurt me, I can approach anyone fearlessly because there nothing that they can say that can actually hurt me". Stick and stone may break my bones but names would never hurt me". 


So there's nothing anyone can say to me that will hurt me unless I allowed them to.  

So I just maid a decision and I am gonna go ahead and challenge you right now make a decision that nothing that nobody can say that ever hurt you. 

The minute you make up that decision nothing that will happen in your life and your business can never get you down because you can just rolled out the punches you can smile out and you can just say 

"They thought they rejected me by telling me No? They are lost... Next.."

And just move on to the next one.

So when it comes to rejection all you need to realized that its psychological pain the same way that I woke up with my dream and my lip actually burning I just said 

"This Isn't Real" 

and all of the sudden and instantly the pain  evaporated.

My friend if you reading this blog from now make that your new mindset 

"Nobody can hurt if you don't let them", 

Rejection is not real its on your head and the minute it happens to you the minute you get down or any negative emotion just go 

"Hey this isn't real and watch them fade away"

So I hope you enjoy this training and if you want more training like this just go ahead check my blog and I look forward to see you in my next blog.

Be unstoppable! See you on the top!

So what did you think? Did you dig this blog post? If so, click like and drop a comment below letting me know. I love reading your comments and hearing your feedback.
Also if you’re providing good content on social media and you think this post qualifies, do me a favor help me “pay it forward” and let’s work together to change some lives today by sharing this video with others. Click Like & Share this video on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or anywhere else you like.
If you do happen to share this training with others let me know in a comment below. I love knowing who’s digging my trainings the most and sharing them with others

And if you’re in sales and/or network marketing and you haven’t yet seen my FREE Training video where I share my Marketing Boot Camp , which is the formula for getting anyone to say YES to your product, service, or opportunity immediately and without objections,

"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads
and Prospects For Your Business?"

Click Image Below!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Never Let Anyone Be Hungrier Than You!

I have a conversation with one of the guy in my team yesterday and I said "Hey listen man, You can let other people have more contacts than you, You can let other people be sharper than you, better looking than you, let them be taller than you, let them be more credible than you, let them have more skill than you, I said none of that crap matters.

The most important thing that you have to have, the most important thing that no one ever bit you at they can bit you at any other stuff but dont ever let anyone be hungry than you. Never!..

Because thats the only one thing that you can control, You might not be able control your background like my self when I started I dont have skills I dont have credibility I move to a job that I am zero knowledge, understanding which is network marketing so there are other people who had better sale skills, better communication skills, they have more contacts they have credibility but you know what they didnt have? They didnt have more hunger than me.

I got started with that company and then proceeded to be one of the all time worst reps to ever join and work with that company… or at least I felt like I was.

I had no skills, no credibility, no influence, and I didn’t have a strong network of contacts or business connections. All great excuses I could have easily used to fold up shop, quit, and play the blame game.
See if you have more hunger than the next person guess what? You can take away every advantage that they might have, someone might be sharp than you today but if you are hunger than them you can do more personal development, you gonna have worked them,

See I didnt have this skills when I first started but you know what I had I was hunger so what I did I listen some personal development 24/7 I listen to it no joke when I was sleeping.

I will go to sleep listening to audio by Tony Robbins, Bryan Tracy anyone I can get my hands on guess what? I was listening to them until I slept because I was hungry I wanted to grows, The people that was more sharp than me then they are not sharp than me now. I was hungry than them I wanted it more.

“I was hungry for success! Scratch that, I was starving for it!”

And what I’ve learned since then is that’s literally the biggest advantage you can have in business and in life and that’s the one major prerequisite you need to have if you want to become successful. 
You gotta want it!… Bad!
Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich, calls it a “Burning Desire” and he says it’s the #1 thing you must have in order to be successful in any endeavor.
To me “hunger” is the catalyst that sets forth into motion everything else that you need to have to be successful in anything. It’s the one thing that turns average people into superstars.
If you’re truly hungry for success then you’ll have the motivation and drive to get everything else that you may not have yet, that you’ll need to succeed.

If you’re hungry, then you’ll chase down opportunities and the people who have them. When you’re hungry for success, if there’s a skill you need to learn to achieve it, you’ll figure out how to develop it.

You’ll crack open books, watch how-to videos, listen to personal development audios, go to seminars, buy courses, seek out mentors and do whatever you have to do to develop the skills you need to succeed.

If you’re truly hungry you’ll have the motivation to hustle hard, and do whatever it takes to reach your goals.

Back in my early 20’s I didn’t have many skills, but I was hungry with a massive burning desire so I figured out everything else.

See you can control that.. That is in your head I wanted it more so I network them.. See when they are sleeping and get conplaisant with the amount of context and credibility that they have I was out there hustling network my business talking to more people and before they knew it I have more connection than they did.

See you can do that let people have whatever else they may have over you but dont let them hungrier than you because only can control that.

See listen man you can have everything that you want in your life if you are hungry and you want it bad enough and you dont get conplaisant..

Look the enemy of the GREAT is GOOD.  

Things might be good for you and thats why they are not great..Stop believing that everything gonna be okay and start taking yourself to the next level.

You know what? When things seem good but this is not good enough for me and be hungrier.

See my bills are paid but Im on run like I am about loose my electricity, like I am about loose it all.

So let other people have what everything they want but dont ever want less hungrier than you because the hungries person is gonna take it all.

Did this blog fire you up? I hope it did and I hope it helps to demystify exactly how people average people become super successful.

You becoming successful isn’t going to be necessarily determined by the skills you have today, it’s going to be determined by your hunger and how bad you want it!

The bottom line is what I did in the past to get where I’m at today and how you can do the same and replicate the type of success I’ve had in my life in yours, regardless of your current age, skills, experience, contacts, or credibility.

And what I’m telling you for a fact, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the main advantage you can make up your mind to have right now, that I had going for me that allowed me to get to where I am today was that I was hungry as hell!

And the good thing about that is anyone, regardless of where you’re at today, can make up their mind to be hungry, just like I did. It’s nothing more than a mindset. But if you really wanna step it up and take things to the next level, my best advice in one simple sentence would be this…

Never let anyone be hungrier than you!

So what did you think? Did you dig this blog post? If so, click like and drop a comment below letting me know. I love reading your comments and hearing your feedback.
Also if you’re providing good content on social media and you think this post qualifies, do me a favor help me “pay it forward” and let’s work together to change some lives today by sharing this video with others. Click Like & Share this video on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or anywhere else you like.
If you do happen to share this training with others let me know in a comment below. I love knowing who’s digging my trainings the most and sharing them with others
And if you’re in sales and/or network marketing and you haven’t yet seen my FREE Training video where I share my Marketing Boot Camp , which is the formula for getting anyone to say YES to your product, service, or opportunity immediately and without objections,

"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads
and Prospects For Your Business?"

Click Image Below!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Why People Quit, What To Know and How To Act!

Now I know whenever it happens when someone cancel on you, they quit or they leave you, I know it can be emotional right? because you knew the person, you are bestfriend one day, you are fired up and excited now all of the sudden one day

 "Hey this is not working for me, I am out of here."

Well let me share something with you, the reason you get paid and the reason you have opportunity to get paid a lot of money that you do is to put up with the most difficult thing in the world and that is people.

People are crazy, people are lied to you, they will say they will meet you in place and they will never show up, they will say they will call you back and they will never do, they will say they will watch the video and they never will, people are crazy that is the number one thing that you have fundamentally come to understand.

Not everyone is meant to be with you in your life, some people are just design to help to grow you, people are put in your life sometimes I believe to help grow and mold you to take the next level and to be that next level in your life.

Think about it, If you think about of your whole life there are friends you had in kinder garden there are friends you had in middle school, there are friends you had high school or in college that you are no longer associated with but they may have left an impact on you that help shape the person that who you are.

And you know who else helps shape the person that who you are, the people that get started with you and quit.

Now you have two option, when that happens you can let your emotion to get you down and say, 

"Oh my god, this person quit, I am so upset I am so devastated" 

or you can say 

"Hey,  You know something I'm glad." 

Because if someone quit guess what? They were a quitter and if someone that had or carry a negative energy, they will ware that negative energy that they couldn't handle with themselves so they will literally leave whatever they could possible attach that negative energy to whether it be your company your product your service.

And guess what?.. You dont need that type of negative around you, you want is, You want those people to filter themselves out.

Now let me share you some lesson in leadership, If people are cancelling, dropping out or quitting then you're probably not building fast enough, you probably not building big enough. If you are worried about constantly pleasing everyone so that everyone can have perfect experience and guess what you cant also be a leader.

It is so important in your life and in business to constantly be push forward, to constantly be raising up the bar, to constantly be able to take on and take it  and keep moving. That what will makes you successful.

When someone quits you, you have to ask yourself this question, 

"Hey, Am I gonna let that person determine my energy level, If someone quits or cancel am I gonna let that person make me wanna quitter or cancel, am I gonna let that affect me my frustration and my mindset 

or am I gonna say,

 "Hey, thanks for joining thanks for being with me as long as you can I wish you well goodluck whatever you gonna do now go ahead and watch my smoke watch my dust because I'm taking off with or without you."

Understand this You need people but you dont need that person. To get to the top you've got to help a lot of people but you dont have to help any one specifically.

I learn that long time ago when I was building my business I have tons of people coming on board and I have tons fall on the side.  You have to keep in mind I am running of marathon I am looking for people who wanna cross the finish line with me, I dont necessarily care if everyone was on that line and finish or not,  Its not my job. Its their job everyone has his own destiny, everyone has his own raised I dont know if  everyone will become successful but I do want that everyone to have good experience.

I will do all my best to support to nurture to work with every single person who want to join me but at the end of the day its their life its their business

If they want a lot of excuses go ahead on their success then guess what? thats gonna happen but here the thing its not the blowing of the wind that determines your destiny in life, it is the set of sail always remember you always gonna find what exactly you are look for. 

Some people get in something and they look for every reason for not to work because the are so scared to be successful that they literally just looking for a way that they can justify them not making it.

You know its funny I seek people get inside in my business, and they really fired up they wont get result that they want right away so instead of saying 

"What can I do differently, I know this will really works for me, I need to try it in other angle", 

What they do instead of all sudden thay starting out 

"Oh my god Im freaking out Im not making it..Ahh..Ahh.. I need to find excuse..I need to find excuse...Ahhh its the company...Ahh its the compensation plan...Ahhh its the support... its not enough of this... its not enaough of that...

What ever you set in your mind to you are going to find..You always going to have what you look for. So if you set your mind down in winning and you get started in the business you say

 "I'm gonna win at all cost no matter what I will see this commitment true guess what?  anytime an obstacle come you gonna go booom! I dont care when Im beat knock down when you get punch on the face you gonna get back up Why? because I am a champion Im gonna win.

Now if you are weak and you are looking for excuses you gonna fine a million of. If you start thinking  "Hey the reason you are not successful is anything but not you then guess what? you never will become successful you constantly look for excuses you gonna quit you gonna drop out.

So if you have people like that in your team understand its not about you its not about the company its not about the opportunity its not about the products its not about the service.

It is literally their inability to take responsibility for their own lack of success. So instead of riding it out they going to creat a beautiful story that helps to ease their subconcious mind that they dont have to admit to themselves that they are a quitter.  

So instead of saying Hey I am a quitter because the sub-consious mind cannot take that brutal of a attact they gonna say well right now I got a lot of stuff going on, right now this thing not enough with the company,.. not enough this,.. not enough that,.. Blah..Blah..Blah.. 

because if they sued that message of being become a quitter they can get the out come of quitting and running away out with themselves. If they can find some way to drink that down in  a little bit  smoother and blame others something else, they feel better about themselves and they never looked out themselves in the mirror and say Hey I am a quitter all they is they look up themselves with the weak story they disguised it and guess what they walk out.

But here I gonna tell you dont buy their story know that they were not meant to be with you forever let them walk,  You do your thing,  set your mind of winning look for all the good be positive.

If you focus on winning you gonna win you gonna have your success so forget about the people that drop out.

My mindset always have been "Im not chasing them I will replace them and if you wont I will find someone will

So thats the mindset I will invite you to have it if you want. Im not chasing them I will replace them,

Some Will.. Some Wont.. So What... Next! 

Tell me yes.. Tell me no.. Tell me quick.. Because I got to go

Make commitment to your success, Forget about the haters, Forget about the quitters, Forget about people that not with you today because they are not meant to be with you on this unbelievable journey to success.  

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