I have a conversation with one of the guy in my team yesterday and I said "Hey listen man, You can let other people have more contacts than you, You can let other people be sharper than you, better looking than you, let them be taller than you, let them be more credible than you, let them have more skill than you, I said none of that crap matters.
Because thats the only one thing that you can control, You might not be able control your background like my self when I started I dont have skills I dont have credibility I move to a job that I am zero knowledge, understanding which is network marketing so there are other people who had better sale skills, better communication skills, they have more contacts they have credibility but you know what they didnt have? They didnt have more hunger than me.
I got started with that company and then proceeded to be one of the all time worst reps to ever join and work with that company… or at least I felt like I was.
I had no skills, no credibility, no influence, and I didn’t have a strong network of contacts or business connections. All great excuses I could have easily used to fold up shop, quit, and play the blame game.
See I didnt have this skills when I first started but you know what I had I was hunger so what I did I listen some personal development 24/7 I listen to it no joke when I was sleeping.
I will go to sleep listening to audio by Tony Robbins, Bryan Tracy anyone I can get my hands on guess what? I was listening to them until I slept because I was hungry I wanted to grows, The people that was more sharp than me then they are not sharp than me now. I was hungry than them I wanted it more.
“I was hungry for success! Scratch that, I was starving for it!”
And what I’ve learned since then is that’s literally the biggest advantage you can have in business and in life and that’s the one major prerequisite you need to have if you want to become successful.
You gotta want it!… Bad!
Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich, calls it a “Burning Desire” and he says it’s the #1 thing you must have in order to be successful in any endeavor.
To me “hunger” is the catalyst that sets forth into motion everything else that you need to have to be successful in anything. It’s the one thing that turns average people into superstars.
If you’re truly hungry for success then you’ll have the motivation and drive to get everything else that you may not have yet, that you’ll need to succeed.
If you’re hungry, then you’ll chase down opportunities and the people who have them. When you’re hungry for success, if there’s a skill you need to learn to achieve it, you’ll figure out how to develop it.
You’ll crack open books, watch how-to videos, listen to personal development audios, go to seminars, buy courses, seek out mentors and do whatever you have to do to develop the skills you need to succeed.
If you’re truly hungry you’ll have the motivation to hustle hard, and do whatever it takes to reach your goals.
Back in my early 20’s I didn’t have many skills, but I was hungry with a massive burning desire so I figured out everything else.
See you can control that.. That is in your head I wanted it more so I network them.. See when they are sleeping and get conplaisant with the amount of context and credibility that they have I was out there hustling network my business talking to more people and before they knew it I have more connection than they did.
See you can do that let people have whatever else they may have over you but dont let them hungrier than you because only can control that.
See listen man you can have everything that you want in your life if you are hungry and you want it bad enough and you dont get conplaisant..
Look the enemy of the GREAT is GOOD.
Things might be good for you and thats why they are not great..Stop believing that everything gonna be okay and start taking yourself to the next level.
You know what? When things seem good but this is not good enough for me and be hungrier.
See my bills are paid but Im on run like I am about loose my electricity, like I am about loose it all.
So let other people have what everything they want but dont ever want less hungrier than you because the hungries person is gonna take it all.
Did this blog fire you up? I hope it did and I hope it helps to demystify exactly how people average people become super successful.
You becoming successful isn’t going to be necessarily determined by the skills you have today, it’s going to be determined by your hunger and how bad you want it!
The bottom line is what I did in the past to get where I’m at today and how you can do the same and replicate the type of success I’ve had in my life in yours, regardless of your current age, skills, experience, contacts, or credibility.
And what I’m telling you for a fact, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the main advantage you can make up your mind to have right now, that I had going for me that allowed me to get to where I am today was that I was hungry as hell!
And the good thing about that is anyone, regardless of where you’re at today, can make up their mind to be hungry, just like I did. It’s nothing more than a mindset. But if you really wanna step it up and take things to the next level, my best advice in one simple sentence would be this…
Never let anyone be hungrier than you!
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