Hi there my friend,
It’s so nice to meet you. I'm Zeny Bugos and I’m so excited for you to grab this resource I’ve put together for you.
Like all my resources, I put a ton of work into this one for you, so that you can make sure you get the highest rate of people that attend your business presentation so you can make more sales!
It’s all about getting eyes on your business so this is a very important topic.
I’ve broken these processes into little scripts that you can start to learn, but like all the scripts that I teach on, please make note to add your personality to them.
Sounding like a robot is not going to be flattering to the process, so practice them and add your own style.
I’ve been in Network Marketing since 2005 and so I've refined these processes with A LOT of people.
Ok, let’s rock and roll....
So you’ve made the appointment with someone to view your product, service or opportunity... how do you ensure that they don’t change plans, forget or stand you up?
"Okay Tuesday at 7:15 pm it is. Now I trust you’re great at keeping your appointment time punctual, how do you normally set yourself reminders? Do you have a smart phone?"
There’s a few things in this set up that work really well.
1. I make the appointment time for 7:15 rather than 7. This is a strategy that showcases a little more importance with the meeting. This is how doctors book their appointments.
2. When I say ‘I trust you’re great at keeping your appointment time punctual’ it speaks to their character and most people want to hold up to be a credible character and they’ll be less likely to discredit their character.
3. Asking them how they keep their appointments can give you the opportunity to walk them through putting the appointment reminder in their phone right then and there so they don’t forget or so they can’t use the excuse that they forgot.
I like to use something like this:
“Okay John, I have us scheduled to meet at 7:15. I’m clearing my schedule just for you!’
It’s a little harder for someone to back out of a meeting when they know that you’ve specially made the time for them and your time is valuable.
This works great if you’re having a home meeting. You can ask them to bring a bag of ice or a bag of chips. Something small and easy.
“Alright John, I’ll see you at 7:15 sharp. Oh, by the way, can you do me a favor and make sure to bring a bag of ice?”
When they feel like you depend on them for something, they are less likely to back out or no-show.
I’ve used this technique a lot and it always increases the number of people that show up.
Now keep in mind that most people do this all wrong.
Most people come from a place of desperation, rather than a place of posture when they confirm appointments.
You have to assume the sale at all points of the process. Never look needy or beg for people to do stuff. The more you do that, the more resistance you will get from your prospects.
Here’s an example of how I would follow up:
“Hey John, just confirming today’s meeting with you at 7:15 sharp. I’m on schedule and I trust you are too right?”
I never say things like,
"Are we still on for today?’
This allows them to say ‘No’. You never want to give that opportunity. This is a HUGE follow up tip and I hope you take it and use it.
Setting up the meeting right is going to make sure that you have more people view your business and it’s so important to do it right like a professional.
Your people will also respect you more when you do this.
Meeting Tips to Keep You Strong:
1. Always assume that less people will show -- if you want to present your business to 10 people, invite 20 to the meeting.
2. Understand that in today’s crazy busy world, people are busy and forgetful so help them to be as punctual to your meeting as possible.
3. Don’t get discouraged when people don’t show up in the beginning. You’ll get stronger in your invite the more you do it. I struggled with this in the beginning too, but I never gave up and that’s why I got better.
4. The people that are most successful in business are the people that showed the most people. It’s not the people that got the most people to say YES.... that’s not a factor that you can control.... you can only control the number of people that you show... so keep making those appointments and move through the numbers as fast as you can to create that momentum.
So there you have it!
I hope you got a ton of value from this week’s training and you can now approach your prospects with scripts to help you get stood up less, talk with posture, and get more people to actually Show Up to your business presentation or meeting.
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PS: If You Don’t have a Team, Haven’t Recruited Anyone (or less than 10 people), This is the Course you Should Get –Network Marketing Training Course Click Here!
And if you’re in sales and/or network marketing and you haven’t yet seen my FREE Training video where I share my Marketing Boot Camp , which is the formula for getting anyone to say YES to your product, service, or opportunity immediately and without objections,
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