Beyond any Tactics or Strategies, this is the
#1 exercise that will skyrocket your success.
If you would have asked me about affirmations back in 2009, I would have told you that you were off your rocker and weird, but learning and modelling so many successful Entrepreneurs over the years, I’ve come to understand the power of this exercise and my life wouldn’t be where it is today without it.
Affirmations combined with massive action will be your ticket to all your dreams and desires.... #BoldStatement
Print these out or write them down and say them out loud to yourself everyday.
The best times to do your affirmations are in morning before you start your day and right before you go to bed. These are the best times to reprogram your subconscious mind!
I have my affirmations on my iPhone (in a notepad) so it’s with me everywhere I go!
Here Are 25 Affirmations That Will Help You Increase
Your Confidence and Paycheck
Tip: At the beginning of each affirmation add the language “I’m so happy and grateful”
- I’m so happy and grateful that I’m excited to talk to people about my business.
- Everyone loves my product and/or service.
- Everywhere I go, people are attracted to me and my energy.
- I have the best product/service in the ________ industry.
- I get so many positive testimonials every week.
- Money flows freely to me.
- I contribute so much value to my network.
- I am a part of the best team and community.
- I’ve found the perfect business partners.
- I’m an amazing team leader that others are attracted to.
- I’m a part of the best industry in the world that lifts people up and helps them to be successful.
- It’s fun and easy to strike up conversation with anyone about my business.
- I get recognized on stage at every company event.
- I attract leaders and action takers to our team.
- I have (Insert number) leaders on my team that are out producing me!
- I’ve helped (insert number) become financially free.
- I make (P insert number) per month with ease.
- I’m a loving and supportive wife/husband/daughter/son.
- I have our next vacation planned and booked for (Insert destination)
- People are excited to join without hesitation or questions.
- I’m confident and proud of what I represent
- I ’m an exceptional trainer and leader in Network Marketing.
- I’m happy!
- I’m fulfilled!
- I’m grateful!
So there you have it! Please change any of these up to make them your own, but here’s a good few that will help start your affirmation exercise and a lot of these are from my affirmation list
"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads
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