The 3 Phase Process to Cultivating
More Leaders Faster in Your Team
Hi there my friend,
My name is Zeny. I'
ve been in Network Marketing
since 2006 and if anyone
s made
fair share of learning
mistakes before becoming very
successful in our industry, it'
s me!
Not that they were really mistakes...
Just things that you don't know
yet as you’re going through your journey :-)
If I could reverse anything in my business or go back and do it
differently, it would be to have raised up leaders in my team faster.
I used to want to do EVERYTHING for them. I was doing all the
training and presentations for my whole team and it wore the heck
out of me.
Everyone thought I did the job so well, that they didn't want to do it
In the beginning, I thought this was how you did it.
Well, you can only do everything for so long before you get burnt
out and you don't love what you do anymore.
This isn't embracing the beauty of Network Marketing either.
Leverage and duplication is the beauty of what we do and we have
to understand how to cultivate this in our team.
So after a lot of trial and error, we finally have a system set up in
our team that cultivates leaders faster (at least the ones that want
that role).
For this 3 Phase Process to be most effective, it has to be explained
to your new teammate right from the beginning so the right
expectations are set and understood.
Here’s how I do this:
After my new teammate signs up, I ask them:
“Hey John, what’s your goal with this?”
If their goal is to make an income, I will move on to explaining this:
“Okay awesome! Our goal together is to help you do that as fast as
possible and build you up to be as independent from me as fast as
possible. This is so you can be a leader like me to your team. I’m
going to help you do this and we have 3 phases that we’ll work
By saying this, you will set the tone for how you will work together.
This is SUPER critical. If you start the relationship by saying that you
will do everything for them, this will not breed a team of leaders
with proper expectations.
Disclaimer: You won't be able to bring up leaders with everyone
and that's okay! We still put them through the same process and
the leaders will reveal themselves.
I do understand that you might already have a ‘Getting Started
Right’ process in your team and I don’t want to change that. If that’s
working for you, keep doing it.... just add this process to it.
Ok, Here we GO!
Phase 1: Show Them How
This is where your new team member learns the ropes and the
fastest way to duplication is to show them how to do it.
This could be doing one of many things with them:
- Do a 3 way call with them
- Do a 2-on-1 sit down meeting with them
- Do a home meeting for them and their top 10 contacts
- Take them to a meeting
Whatever you’re already doing in your team that’s working.... do
that, but do it for them, so they can see how it’s done.
This was actually how I got really good at presentations. I saw
enough of them and then started doing them on my own.
Phase 2: Get Them Involved
Now this is the Phase that most people miss and being stuck in
Phase 1 really sucks.
I forgot to get my team involved because I thought I was so good
and I would do everything for my team... Bad mistake.
Please move
to Phase 2 fast with your team so you can create a strong team of
leaders fast.
Here’s what you do: Now that your new teammate has seen HOW
it’s done it’s time for them to own their business.
On their next Presentation you will help them do half of it and they
will execute the second half.
I typically like to take over the beginning part where a share a
personally story and then edify my new teammate and then have
them take over the last part.
The Goal: It’s not to have a perfect presentation where everyone
signs up or buys... it’s to train your team.
Both of you need to understand this so you can manage the
expectations of the results.
Phase 3: Let Them Fly
This is probably the hardest phase, especially if you’re a control
freak like me
BUT... this Phase is absolutely necessary for you to cultivate a team
that duplicates and grows without you being present.
Just remember the beauty of Network Marketing. If the right
expectations are set up right from the beginning, this won’t be hard
at all.
Here’s how it works: Around their 3rd presentation, they’re going
to do the whole thing from start to finish.
You’ll be there to help if
questions arise or to share a testimonial story, but the full
presentation will be done by your new teammate!
YES, they might be nervous or mess some of it up, but just like you,
the more they do it, the better they’re going to get.
Remember the Goal: Raise up leaders as fast as possible.
After Each Phase: Take a couple minutes to evaluate the process
after each phase with your teammate.
You can give constructive
criticism and tips to make the next presentation even better.
Also, remember to give praise and a ton of high fives.
This will have a
major impact on helping to make your new teammate feel amazing about
the learning process.
Did this help?
All I have to say is that I WISH someone taught me this
when I was first building my team.
It would have saved me a ton of time
and effort.
"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads