Narinig mo na ba ito? “Your greatest investment is yourself” ?
I’ve heard that many times before. Honestly, years ago I don’t fully understand what it meant. I thought it means you take good care of yourself so you would look good in front of a mirror. That’s it, nothing more. I never thought of it as growing yourself by studying.
How could I think of it that way, Isn’t that the purpose why we spent the first 15-20 years of our lives going to school? And that’s the problem.
"Because the moment you stop learning, you stop growing"
The most successful people I know in this world are all eternal students, they never stop learning. Think of someone you know who always say “I already know all that or I don't have time to go to that seminar or I dont have time to read books or I don't want to study internet marketing, etc.. coz its all a waste of time and money.” I bet that person will not be successful.
There are 2 kinds of self-growth
1. Progressive growth
2. Quantum growth
Progressive Growth is moving from step 1 to step 2, and step 2 to step 3, and step 3 to step 4, and so on. You get the idea.
Quantum Growth is leapfrogging from step 1 to step 10—all in one stride.
You need both of this growth in your personal life and your business. Some people only experienced progressive growth, because that’s the most basic way. But there is a way to have more quantum growth. How? By having mentors.....
Sometimes, Mentors come in a form of a simple book. I consider the authors as my mentors.
The likes of; Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, T. Harv Ecker, Zig Zig-lar, Anthony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, Bob Proctor, Donald Trump and so much more. Some of the stuffs they wrote made me leapfrog to the next level. Sometimes, Mentors come in a form of a seminar or conference.
The speaker or teacher becomes a Mentor that says something that will revolutionize lives or families or businesses forever.
Sometimes, Mentors come in the form of an eNewsletter or eReport or an online course, or a mastermind group, a Video Talk or an Audio Talk. Do you know the biggest roadblocks people have in getting a mentor? We wanted free or cheap. But most of the time, getting mentor is a little expensive. So we overlooked the opportunity and keep looking for free. That’s where we make a big mistake.
You are your most important investment. – Don’t be cheap on yourself.
The fact is; your money wont grow if you don’t grow. T. Harv Ecker once said
“the reason why you still don’t achieve what you want is because there is still something you don’t know.”
Grow your mind and your money will grow too.
I met a friend last week . We chat a little. He said he wanted to check shoes in Nike. So we went there. As I checked the latest Lebron shoes, admiring its intricate detail. My friend bought that exact basketball shoes for P8000. He said he couldn’t wait to try it out in the court.
We are about to leave when we passed by bookstore. I decided to check a book I’ve been wanting to buy but it’s always out of stack. Luckily, that branch has it. So I bought that book for P700. My friend chuckled and said why do I spent P700 in a book when I could asked around and borrowed one. Sure I could do that, but having your own will be more beneficial because you can always go back, re read it and you’ll always find a hidden wisdom you didn’t find the first time.
People will spend for cellphones, a new shirts, even a shoes worth P8000 – easily. But they can’t spend for self-development. Mentors are very important factors of one’s success. Because they can guide you, give you knowledge that will save you years or even decades to acquire.
In other words, mentors can give you the shortcuts in reaching for your dreams. So invest in yourself. In your self-growth. And whatever you spend will be nothing compared to the profits you’ll earn because of the quantum growth you’ll experience.
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Invest in yourself today then someone will invest in you
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