"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads
and Prospects For Your Business?"
Discover the Simple 3-Step Formula That Took
Struggling Network Marketer to Top Earner in Less Than 18 Months!
Because the truth is ...
You've been lied to about how to create success. You've been led to believe there's only one way to build your business and if you don't follow the ancient systems of the 1950s and 60s, that you can't succeed. Well, I'm here to tell you, that's just not true.
Perhaps you've been told to make a list of your closest 100 family members and friends and you're struggling to make sales and recruit people using that method. If so, don't worry, I was there not all that long ago
You see, I was introduced to Network Marketing back in 2005. Like most people, I had no idea what I was doing, so I trusted the advice of my upline and I did as I was told.
Activities such as ...
=> Making a list of everyone I knew
=> Inviting them to Home Meetings
=> Cold Calling Strangers
=> Drawing Circles on Napkins at Lunch Meetings
=> Using the 3-Foot Rule to Recruit Everyone I Met
=> And Facing a Ton of Rejection ...
Since none of this was working, I figured there must be something wrong with the company or the compensation plan or my upline ...
It wasn't until I finally realized that the company wasn't the problem. It wasn't a faulty compensation plan or an unsupportive upline that was to blame ....
It was the strategies I was using to try and build my business. That was the common denominator in each and every one of my failures.
That's when I finally realized something that changed my life and my business forever ...
I had been told to do home parties and lunch meetings and talk to everyone I knew, but the problem was that none of these strategies really fit with my personality. I didn't enjoy them. I wasn't good at them. And I certainly didn't have any success using these strategies.
Sure they might have worked for my upline or other people on my team, but they weren't working for me. At this point, I was so frustrated and totally discouraged. I had to find another way or quit! I simply couldn't stand any more rejection.
So I went searching the internet to see if anyone else was building their business using alternative strategies (my upline was none too supportive of my breaking away from "the proven system", but I was at my wit's end).
Luckily, I stumbled across a little website that opened my eyes to a totally different way of looking at my business.
I will never forget that night. Sitting at my computer, desperately searching for anything I could find that would help me to build my business.
I read about a guy who was literally recruiting thousands of people into his business using attraction marketing strategies on the internet.
To say I was skeptical would be an understatement ... I mean could this really be true?
Thousands of Targeted Prospects Reaching Out to YOU
Could this really be possible? Instead of chasing and bothering people, could I really have highly targeted prospects reaching out to me?
Was it really possible that I could become the hunted instead of the hunter?
Of course I had my doubts, but I had to check into it further and get ALL THE FACTS before dismissing it as a bunch of hype.
Ok ... I'm assuming since you're still reading, that you are serious about doing what it takes to create success in your business.
So while most of my competitors are out there trying to sell, sell, SELL and spam social media with posts about how great their product or opportunity is, I leave them all in the dust by giving value first.
Perhaps you're wondering what kind of value I'm talking about.
Well, ask yourself this question ... why are most people browsing the internet?
I'll give you a hint ... It's not because they want to be sold something. Usually, they're looking for one of 2 things (or both) ....
If you can give them one of those 2 things before you ask for a sale, you WILL find people who want to do business with you and chase you down in order to do so.
3. Convert into Leads & Sales
After you've cultivated the relationship, all that's left to do now is convert your new followers into leads and sales.
And if you did a good job with step 2, you don't even have to be a good salesperson or "closer" to get this done.
And on top of that, the internet has made the conversion process incredibly leveraged and automated with systems, and tools and processes that can all work in the background while you sleep or hang out with loved ones or even go on vacation.
This is the POWER of Attraction Marketing.
And you're about to discover how to get your hands on my step-by-step system.
But first, I need to tell you about a common problem I see among network marketers and affiliate marketers and other people who are trying to build a home business by peddling other people's products.
Lean in and listen closely ... Network Marketers and Affiliate Marketers make all kinds of mistakes (believe me, I know ... I've made them myself).
But the biggest problem of all is probably this one:
All the time, people ask me, "Zeny, I'm sending people to my company website but I'm not getting any leads or sales ... Why?"
The answer is simple. These people mistakenly believe that having a good product or opportunity is all they need in order to build a successful business.
But it's not enough. Do you know why? Because you have thousands of other representatives out there who are promoting the exact same product or opportunity as you are.
Here's the question you have to ask yourself:
"Why should someone buy from YOU instead of the thousands of other distributors with the exact same product or opportunity?"
The answer to this question is simple. Because of the value that you provide and the relationship that you've created (this is why upline trainers tell you to go to your warm market first ... because you already have a relationship with them).
So if your product/company is NOT your business, then what is?
Our goal is to help Filipino entrepreneurs like you to make more
=> Inviting them to Home Meetings
=> Cold Calling Strangers
=> Drawing Circles on Napkins at Lunch Meetings
=> Using the 3-Foot Rule to Recruit Everyone I Met
=> And Facing a Ton of Rejection ...
Since none of this was working, I figured there must be something wrong with the company or the compensation plan or my upline ...
It wasn't until I finally realized that the company wasn't the problem. It wasn't a faulty compensation plan or an unsupportive upline that was to blame ....
It was the strategies I was using to try and build my business. That was the common denominator in each and every one of my failures.
That's when I finally realized something that changed my life and my business forever ...
If You're Using Strategies That Don't Fit Your Personality, You'll Struggle Forever!
Sure they might have worked for my upline or other people on my team, but they weren't working for me. At this point, I was so frustrated and totally discouraged. I had to find another way or quit! I simply couldn't stand any more rejection.
So I went searching the internet to see if anyone else was building their business using alternative strategies (my upline was none too supportive of my breaking away from "the proven system", but I was at my wit's end).
Luckily, I stumbled across a little website that opened my eyes to a totally different way of looking at my business.
I will never forget that night. Sitting at my computer, desperately searching for anything I could find that would help me to build my business.
I read about a guy who was literally recruiting thousands of people into his business using attraction marketing strategies on the internet.
To say I was skeptical would be an understatement ... I mean could this really be true?
Thousands of Targeted Prospects Reaching Out to YOU
Was it really possible that I could become the hunted instead of the hunter?
Of course I had my doubts, but I had to check into it further and get ALL THE FACTS before dismissing it as a bunch of hype.
And I am glad I kept an open mind!
Less than 12 months after that life-changing night,
And Here's the 3-Step Formula I Used!
DO NOT Read Any Further Unless You're 100% Serious About Your Business
Ok ... I'm assuming since you're still reading, that you are serious about doing what it takes to create success in your business.
Here's My 3-Step Formula For Success!
1. Target the Right Audience
The reason upline trainers tell you to contact family members and friends is because it's easy. It takes no skill to pick up the phone and call your Aunt Betty.
Anybody can do it so it's the quickest way to get any new person into action before their fire dies.
The problem is that Aunt Betty is NOT a targeted prospect for your product or opportunity. She's not actively looking for what it is that you're selling. So in order for you to get Betty to buy, you have to turn into the pushy salesperson and convince Betty why she should join your business or buy your product.
You're probably not comfortable in that role and Aunt Betty certainly isn't comfortable being "sold".
On the other hand, when you target an audience of people who are already looking for what you have to offer, selling is a thousand times easier.
In my business, I've primarily focused on targeting people who either have a history of buying what I'm selling or they're actively looking for it right now.
This has made a world of difference!
So for instance, if I'm selling weight loss products, I'm going to target people who either have a history of buying weight loss products in the past or people who are actively looking for weight loss products right now.
Similarly, if I'm trying to recruit someone into a business opportunity, I'm going to target people who have a history of getting involved in business opportunities in the past (i.e. - other entrepreneurs) or people who are actively looking to get involved in a business opportunity right now.
Makes sense, right? (and the internet has made it easier than ever to find these people)
The problem is that Aunt Betty is NOT a targeted prospect for your product or opportunity. She's not actively looking for what it is that you're selling. So in order for you to get Betty to buy, you have to turn into the pushy salesperson and convince Betty why she should join your business or buy your product.
You're probably not comfortable in that role and Aunt Betty certainly isn't comfortable being "sold".
On the other hand, when you target an audience of people who are already looking for what you have to offer, selling is a thousand times easier.
In my business, I've primarily focused on targeting people who either have a history of buying what I'm selling or they're actively looking for it right now.
This has made a world of difference!
So for instance, if I'm selling weight loss products, I'm going to target people who either have a history of buying weight loss products in the past or people who are actively looking for weight loss products right now.
Similarly, if I'm trying to recruit someone into a business opportunity, I'm going to target people who have a history of getting involved in business opportunities in the past (i.e. - other entrepreneurs) or people who are actively looking to get involved in a business opportunity right now.
Makes sense, right? (and the internet has made it easier than ever to find these people)
2. Cultivate a Relationship
Make no mistake, business is ALL about relationships. People buy from others that they know, like and trust.
This is 100% True.
Unfortunately, I was told (and mistakenly believed), that the internet is impersonal and you can't build relationships on it, so it will never work for you to build a home business online.
This is Absolutely False!
Not only can you build relationships on the internet, you can do it in a much more leveraged and automated way than has ever been available before.
For example, you can create re-useable resources like videos and blogs and social media posts and automated emails that work for you even while you're sleeping. You can communicate with thousands of people at once by sending traffic to a web page or an online presentation.
And even if you're "technology challenged", that doesn't matter. Here's the good news. Your success is not determined by how well you use technology. It's determined by how well you can build relationships (believe it or not, the technology is easier today than it has ever been before).
"So how do you build relationships with total strangers online?", you ask ...
Well here's the secret that changed my business ... Are you ready for it?
Make no mistake, business is ALL about relationships. People buy from others that they know, like and trust.
This is 100% True.
Unfortunately, I was told (and mistakenly believed), that the internet is impersonal and you can't build relationships on it, so it will never work for you to build a home business online.
This is Absolutely False!
Not only can you build relationships on the internet, you can do it in a much more leveraged and automated way than has ever been available before.
For example, you can create re-useable resources like videos and blogs and social media posts and automated emails that work for you even while you're sleeping. You can communicate with thousands of people at once by sending traffic to a web page or an online presentation.
And even if you're "technology challenged", that doesn't matter. Here's the good news. Your success is not determined by how well you use technology. It's determined by how well you can build relationships (believe it or not, the technology is easier today than it has ever been before).
"So how do you build relationships with total strangers online?", you ask ...
Well here's the secret that changed my business ... Are you ready for it?
You have to GIVE without want before you can Have.
So while most of my competitors are out there trying to sell, sell, SELL and spam social media with posts about how great their product or opportunity is, I leave them all in the dust by giving value first.
Perhaps you're wondering what kind of value I'm talking about.
Well, ask yourself this question ... why are most people browsing the internet?
I'll give you a hint ... It's not because they want to be sold something. Usually, they're looking for one of 2 things (or both) ....
Information or Entertainment.
If you can give them one of those 2 things before you ask for a sale, you WILL find people who want to do business with you and chase you down in order to do so.
3. Convert into Leads & Sales
After you've cultivated the relationship, all that's left to do now is convert your new followers into leads and sales.
And if you did a good job with step 2, you don't even have to be a good salesperson or "closer" to get this done.
And on top of that, the internet has made the conversion process incredibly leveraged and automated with systems, and tools and processes that can all work in the background while you sleep or hang out with loved ones or even go on vacation.
This is the POWER of Attraction Marketing.
And you're about to discover how to get your hands on my step-by-step system.
But first, I need to tell you about a common problem I see among network marketers and affiliate marketers and other people who are trying to build a home business by peddling other people's products.
This is the #1 Most Common Mistake Among
Network Marketers and Affiliate Marketers
This is the #1 Most Common Mistake Among
Lean in and listen closely ... Network Marketers and Affiliate Marketers make all kinds of mistakes (believe me, I know ... I've made them myself).
But the biggest problem of all is probably this one:
Believing Their Product or Opportunity Is Their Business
All the time, people ask me, "Zeny, I'm sending people to my company website but I'm not getting any leads or sales ... Why?"
The answer is simple. These people mistakenly believe that having a good product or opportunity is all they need in order to build a successful business.
But it's not enough. Do you know why? Because you have thousands of other representatives out there who are promoting the exact same product or opportunity as you are.
Here's the question you have to ask yourself:
"Why should someone buy from YOU instead of the thousands of other distributors with the exact same product or opportunity?"
The answer to this question is simple. Because of the value that you provide and the relationship that you've created (this is why upline trainers tell you to go to your warm market first ... because you already have a relationship with them).
So if your product/company is NOT your business, then what is?
Your Business is Your Audience!
More specifically, your business is the relationship you have with an audience.
You see, once you have a targeted audience of people who know, like and trust you, you can sell them anything that falls within the interests of that group. It may be your network marketing product/opportunity, it may be something else.
There is no distributor (no matter how good they are) who will close 100% of the people 100% of the time. Some people simply will not be interested in your main product/service/opportunity.
So when you focus only on selling that ONE thing, you are greatly limiting your earning potential.
Think of it like this, at one time, Apple was just a computer company. That was their one and only product ... computers. They defined themselves as a computer company and they were struggling to keep up with Microsoft.
As soon as Apple redefined themselves not just as "a computer company" but rather a company who serves a specific audience (creative minds who believe in challenging the status quo) ... and they started offering multiple products that might interest that audience, everything changed.
You see, even if you were a devoted Windows user, now Apple could still profit from you by selling you other products such as mp3 players and phones and music and so forth.
You see, once you have a targeted audience of people who know, like and trust you, you can sell them anything that falls within the interests of that group. It may be your network marketing product/opportunity, it may be something else.
There is no distributor (no matter how good they are) who will close 100% of the people 100% of the time. Some people simply will not be interested in your main product/service/opportunity.
So when you focus only on selling that ONE thing, you are greatly limiting your earning potential.
Think of it like this, at one time, Apple was just a computer company. That was their one and only product ... computers. They defined themselves as a computer company and they were struggling to keep up with Microsoft.
As soon as Apple redefined themselves not just as "a computer company" but rather a company who serves a specific audience (creative minds who believe in challenging the status quo) ... and they started offering multiple products that might interest that audience, everything changed.
You see, even if you were a devoted Windows user, now Apple could still profit from you by selling you other products such as mp3 players and phones and music and so forth.
Once I Finally Understood and Adopted This
Business Model, Everything Changed!
Not only did I start recruiting like crazy, I also made money from the people who said, "No" to my primary offer.
And I believe you can achieve these results even faster than I did ... because, you see, I didn't have the advantage of receiving the roadmap that you're about to be offered.
I had to figure this attraction marketing thing out the hard way ... with a lot of trial and error and a lot of falling on my face.
You can certainly choose to take that same path and figure it out on your own with the knowledge I've given you so far on this page ...
... or you can bypass all of the pitfalls and discover my exact business blueprint. Do you prefer this option over trying to figure it all out on your own? You do? Then you'll want to get access to my roadmap for success,
And I believe you can achieve these results even faster than I did ... because, you see, I didn't have the advantage of receiving the roadmap that you're about to be offered.
I had to figure this attraction marketing thing out the hard way ... with a lot of trial and error and a lot of falling on my face.
You can certainly choose to take that same path and figure it out on your own with the knowledge I've given you so far on this page ...
... or you can bypass all of the pitfalls and discover my exact business blueprint. Do you prefer this option over trying to figure it all out on your own? You do? Then you'll want to get access to my roadmap for success,
"Are You Ready to Start Attracting An
Endless Stream of High Quality Leads
and Prospects For Your Business?"
Unmatched Training Products
Our goal is to help Filipino entrepreneurs like you to make more
money in your business, by providing you quality training
products, coaching, marketing tools and systems that will help
you in achieving the results that you want. We created our
products to help you in generating more leads, more customers
and more sales for your business.
• Isang secret approach na magagamit mo para mas-mapataas ang ‘yong self confidence at para magkaron ng attractive na personality.
• Malalaman mo kung kaylan mo HINDI dapat sabihin ang pangalan ng company at ng products mo. At malalaman mo kung ano ba yung mga DAPAT na una mong sabihin para magawa mo na maging interesado kaagad ang mga prospects mo.
• Malalaman mo kung bakit yung mga sinaunang strategies na tulad ng pagkausap sa mga kamaganak, pamimigay ng flyers, pagkausap ng mga tao sa kalsada ang posibleng maging dahilan kung bakit ka mag-fe-FAILED sa business mo.
• Matututunan mo yung isang makabago at unique na concept na makakatulong sa’yo para ka maging successful sa kahit anong company na sinalihan mo.
• Gamit ang mga makabagong tools at softwares, malalaman mo kung pano mo magagawa na automatic kang makapag-build ng relationship at pagkatiwalaan ng mga prospects mo kahit hindi mo pa sila nakakausap at nakikilala.
• Malalaman mo yung mga pinaka common na mistakes na paulit ulit na ginagawa ng mga networkers kung bakit 97% ng mga network marketers ay hindi nagiging successful sa kanilang MLM at Home based business.
• Matutuklasan mo yung #1 marketing secret ng mga successful entrepreneurs na tulad nila “Bo Sanchez” at “John Calub” para magkaron ng unlimited growth at success sa business mo.
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entrepreneurs who are willing to help
you get the results that you want.
entrepreneurs who are willing to help
you get the results that you want.
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